08 The Manana Approach

By this time, I had been laying in this same position, bleeding on the pavement, for half an hour. And I was without a doubt impatient with this “manana” approach, and general lack of activity. So I called out to the two uniformed security men to come over and give me a hand, which they did.

At my instruction, each security guard grabbed me under one arm and hoisted me upright to my one good foot. My intention was to head straight to that taxi that I saw still parked nearby, and to demand the driver take me to the closest hospital. I was more than willing to pay for the cost to shampoo his upholstery should I lose any blood en route.

However as soon as I was vertical, I looked down to see a pool of blood that began seeping out of my right leg. This realization, coupled with a fresh wave of nausea, quickly convinced me that this was a very bad idea.

I asked the guards to lay me back down and I thereby again passed out.
