17 My Story Verified

To open a sidebar, Dr. Arias’ arrival reinforced the story that I had told the head of the association, several times in fact.

This fellow, who had been sitting on a bed in the examining room, then proceeded to explain how he, knowing I was a good friend of Dr. Arias, had felt compelled to escort me to the hospital, as he had been determined to stay by my side until the doctor arrived. (Right!)

At least he was now willing to return my passport, which the hospital administrators then decided should instead be in their possession, as an insurance that I was going to pay my hospital bill.

I asked my friend Dr. Arias to please locate and speak with the surgeon who had attended me and discuss with him what his prescribed plan of attack would be if he operated on me. Furthermore, I wanted a ballpark figure as to how much the operation would cost, since I would need to cover it, or at least a down payment, with a credit card, in order to get my passport back.
