97 – Learning to Walk Again

Here’s what’s happening in the inner workings of my leg, as I understand it.

X-rays show I have grown some soft callous around the breaks in my two leg bones, the tibia (or shin bone) and fibula.

Weight bearing, that is attempting to put weight on my leg as I walk/limp along, breaks down the soft callous to form hard callous and new bone.

I’m told that every day I walk it will be a little bit better than the day before, as long as I don’t overdo it. No textbook on this, meaning each individual has just got to figure out what “overdoing” is for themselves and not do it.

The big piece of advice I’ve gotten here ... go slow.... to think in terms of weeks not days. To just accept that this part of the healing process takes time, and frankly hurts.

It does hurt as I put my weight down again, and also try to revive long unused muscles in order to get their cooperation. Immobilization of a body part not only causes joints to stiffen and muscles to weaken in the injured area, but also in uninjured areas.

So at this point it’s basically re-learning to walk, courtesy of my Darth walking cast and one crutch. From what I understand, this is a two-month stint.

I keep reminding myself that it’s not a race, and that what’s most important is to heal well not fast. The best healing takes time.

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