109 - Duck and Pigeon Walk

The manifest results in my leg muscles are two-fold. One is that what you do not use, you lose. Not only muscle mass but especially muscle coordination. Involuntary muscles just kind of quit volunteering to work with you.

Second, from lying in bed so much with muscles relaxed, over time one’s feet tend to follow the path of least resistance and flop out sideways instead of remaining perpendicular to the bed. After awhile, this becomes the position of choice and your muscles flow along with this new configuration.

And so when I first began walking without the aid of crutches, my feet were just naturally turned outward like a duck. So much so, that I wasn't even aware of it until someone walking behind me commented on the fact. By this time, this stance seemed natural to me.

So as far as walking normally, to compensate, I have to almost imagine that I am walking pigeon toed, so that my feet are pointing more-or-less straight ahead.

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