95 – Darth Vader Boot and Crop Circles

During my recovery the pain has been very minimal, and I'm sleeping quite well, despite the fact that I have this big heavy cast that I have to keep on at all times, at least at this point. When the cast rolls to the side during the night, it basically flips my body over with it. (Soon I'll be able to remove it at night, the doctor says.)

The cast is part fiberglass with a series of straps and Velcro. Inside, in the ankle region, it has a section that I inflate in daytime for support, and can then deflate at night for comfort, so that makes it pretty bearable.

It was great news to hear the doctor’s pronouncement that there is no infection in the bones of my leg, as I have heard from many sources that it is very common in this kind of break, and infection means a whole other set of medical concerns. When my leg was originally set in Peru, the surgeon felt that an external fixator was the way to go, and the best means to cut down the chances of infection.

Sharon helps me remove my Darth cast and bandaging to wash my leg, and the external wounds already seem to be healing well. --Though I certainly will have a very interesting arrangement of scars. Somewhere between "crop circles" and a toddler gone wild with a magic marker.

I still need to use both crutches for this next month as the doctor says I can only be PWB = Partial Weight Bearing until they take more x-rays and determine all is well with the alignment of the bones etc.

next chapter