99 – Second Opinions

I don’t know what the doctor’s inner reaction was to my statement that it was God who healed my leg, as he didn’t say anything more at that point. While I realize that different people may have different issues on the subject, among other reasons I felt I owed it to him to leave him with that parting thought.

If nothing else, I hope it has the effect of him being a little less emphatic and quick in suggesting further surgery to the next patient who comes along.

Along these lines, I read that a recent Gallup poll indicates that 49% of adults don’t seek a second opinion when their doctors prescribe drugs, surgery or treatment.

And this in a world where one year you hear “The steroid drug dexawhatever is a recommended treatment for broken bones, and research shows this drug may have a role in treating various bone diseases.”

And then the following year you read, "Dexawhatever, once thought to play a prominent role in treating various bone diseases, has now been found to hinder bone growth, and also possibly be linked to bone cancer."

Anyway, my message to half of the nation who doesn’t consider the need to get a second opinion on medical matters is: You just might want to consider it next time.

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